Saturday, February 18, 2012

New Sketchbook = Clearer Mind

Along with my lack of designing for me, I have also stopped drawing recently.  I decided this was not okay, and bought a new sketchbook.  I can't wait to fill the pages with all the nonsense that is currently trapped in my head.

Doodle inspiration

These drawings are random, clever, and amazing.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Water in the desert

Lately I've been feeling incredibly burnt out- especially creatively.  I go to class- I design.  I go to work- I design.  I go home and do homework- more design.  So when I get free time, I don't want to design anymore.  I have let design become something I have to do rather than something I love to do (How sad is that?!).

Thinking that the solution to being burnt out on designing is to do anything absolutely anything except design something, I have wasted many hours playing speed solitaire and watching NCIS marathons,  but I definitely don't feel any more inspired after doing these things; I just feel lazy.

About a week ago, I was sitting on the couch with my laptop and a few minutes of freedom.  I had just gone on a font shopping spree, and wanted to play with my new purchases.  I didn't have a deadline or a client, just a blank inDesign page and some spare time.  Taking several meaningful quotes, I started to play with the typography and something began to take shape.  It was so simple, but so inspiring.  I discovered that in that time I get to do whatever I want, I should create what I want.  This is where the inspiration comes from.  For every one project I do for someone else, I should be doing at least one for myself.

My problem, however, is that I always come up with ideas for projects, but let them fall by the wayside because I get tired and discouraged.  But, this week in my publication design class we watched a Creative Mornings video featuring Kate Bingaman Burt.  Her structured workflow really inspired me because it requires the discipline that I lack, and I have several projects in the works that I am very excited about.

Here's the Creative Mornings video:

Monday, February 6, 2012

Collaboration. It's awesome. You should try it.

I recently had the privilege to work on a collaboration project with two commercial photographers.  Initially I was a little apprehensive about working in pairs rather than on my own, but it turned out to be a great experience, and I am so happy with how the two spreads turned out.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Wow. Just wow.

These 3D paper infographics are incredible:


These quotable cards are everywhere, and with my love of typography, I decided to make a few of my own from quotes that have meaning in my life.