Wednesday, September 5, 2012

On today's episode of Crafting Redemption...

You may well remember my last attempt at painting furniture. I do. It's still sitting in my garage. Despite my previous epic disaster, I decided to try again.

I had been looking for something unique to serve as my bedside table, and found this perfect little cabinet at a great place in the East Village called Found Things ( I could spend hours wandering around in there.  The cabinet was just what I was looking for. It was clearly homemade, and the wood was unfinished with a few marks on it, so I thought it would be perfect to paint. First I sanded the cabinet, wiped it down with a damp cloth, and let it dry. Then I began to paint it with a paint/primer mix that I had made at Home Depot. It's a little hard to tell from the photos, but it's seafoam green. It's a nice accent to the black and white of the rest of my room.

Painted seafoam green cabinet as bedside table, home decor crafts

I was shocked that it turned out so well. It's the perfect place to set my books, phone, glasses, etc. down at night. It's definitely better than the pile of stuff that was accumulating on the floor next to my bed.

On the other side of my bed I have a much simpler, but still fun project.  I bought this bookshelf at Target, and put it together. Before I nailed on the backing, I Mod Podged scrapbook paper onto it. Easy and adds a bit of color!


Two successful projects. Ahhh...Redemption.

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