Thursday, April 4, 2013

Snail mail

I'm a little more than a week into this project and having a lot of fun with it. While I am enjoying myself doing this, it is also serving its intended purpose really well. I am developing a discipline of both reading my bible every day AND doing something creative every day. It is also teaching me to loosen up and let go, bit by bit. The idea isn't to spend hours each day creating draft after draft until I'm satisfied; it's to spend a few minutes each day connecting and creating. I have to quiet the voice in my head telling me to start over because that line isn't straight enough, or I don't like where this is heading. It isn't about being perfect.

hand-lettered Matthew 22:37-39

hand-lettered Exodus 15:13
hand-lettered Psalm 31:7
hand-lettered Psalm 30:4-5

hand-lettered Psalm 33:22
hand-lettered Mark 4:21
hand-lettered Matthew 28:20
hand-lettered Psalm 37:7

*all scripture is from the New Living Translation

If you want to receive a postcard and be a part of this project, please send your address to Don't be shy-  Join in on the snail mail fun!

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