Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 4 - Made in the Image

I originally created this blog for an art class Winter quarter of my senior year, so it wasn't anything special design or content-wise.  It turned out that I actually liked sharing my work and thoughts through my blog, so I have been working to create something that really represents me and the goals in my work.

So, drumroll please....
I introduce to you the new name and face of my blog.

Why "Made in the Image"?

Well I'm glad you asked.  My faith is the center of my life, and is, therefore, very important to me.  I believe I was created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27).  So why do I have this built-in urge and desire to create?  Because I was created in the image of the greatest and first creator.  My creativity is a tiny bit of God inside me.  I am creative because He is creative.  Yeah, I know.  Pretty amazing.

Anyway, I hope that I can grow closer to God through using the gifts he has given me.  This blog serves as almost a form of accountability to make sure I am exercising my creativity in my everyday life, not just for work and school.  I hope you enjoy the results.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Ampersand Redesign

Earlier this year I had the opportunity to redesign the Honors Tutorial College's alumni magazine, Ampersand.  I created a user-friendly template to give to the editorial staff of the publication to enable them to easily layout the content of the magazine.  After looking at the magazine, I took a page out of Thoreau's book and decided to "simplify, simplify, simplify."  I implemented a grid to easily place content while leaving room for white space, limited the number of typefaces, and added splashes of color.

The HTC team that put together the latest issue did a great job.  It looks awesome!

Ohio University Honors Tutorial College, Ampersand redesign

Ohio University Honors Tutorial College, Ampersand redesign

Ohio University Honors Tutorial College, Ampersand

To see more of Ampersand online, visit:



Thursday, May 24, 2012

Doodle, doodle, doodle, doodle, doodle, YEAH

I've rediscovered my love for doodling patterns.  There are unlimited possibilities! Can somebody find me a career path that lets me get paid for doodling?  Thanks. That would be fantastic.

doodle, Margaret Riedel

doodle, Margaret Riedel

Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 3- Hello!

Here it is: Day 3 of hand-lettering!  Yes, I know I'm slacking.  Going into this quarter I was excited about having so much free time because I thought it would give me the time to be super productive.  Instead, it gave me a lot of time to sleep and watch Psych.  

Here's to hoping that I will get my act together this week.  Cheers!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Day 2 - Shoutout to my momma

Today's post is dedicated to two people I love a whole heck of a lot- my wonderful mother and good friend Angela.  I'm really glad you were both born- one slightly more than the other, but that's just because my own birth hinged on hers happening first.  My mom does so much for me I can't even begin to thank her, but I will try.  Thank you mom for everything you have done, are doing, and will do.  I love you so much.  And Angela, you're the bomb, and I'm so glad I get to be in ministry with you.  I hope you both have awesome birthdays.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 1 - Finally!

Almost three weeks after the project was announced, I am finally posting the first of the hand lettering series.  This is one of my favorite verses to keep with me throughout the day.  It reminds me that I can be joyful and thankful even when I'm not happy because joy is so much bigger and better than happiness.

I think the thing I am learning right now through doing this project is that I need to let go of my control.  I am a huge perfectionist and generally don't like showing my work until I feel it is "finished" (whatever that means).  Doing things by hand is forcing me to let go of some of that control.

You also may have noticed that I am beginning to do a redesign of the blog.  I'm want to inject it with some of my personality, but still keep it simple.  Let me know what you think!