Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 4 - Made in the Image

I originally created this blog for an art class Winter quarter of my senior year, so it wasn't anything special design or content-wise.  It turned out that I actually liked sharing my work and thoughts through my blog, so I have been working to create something that really represents me and the goals in my work.

So, drumroll please....
I introduce to you the new name and face of my blog.

Why "Made in the Image"?

Well I'm glad you asked.  My faith is the center of my life, and is, therefore, very important to me.  I believe I was created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27).  So why do I have this built-in urge and desire to create?  Because I was created in the image of the greatest and first creator.  My creativity is a tiny bit of God inside me.  I am creative because He is creative.  Yeah, I know.  Pretty amazing.

Anyway, I hope that I can grow closer to God through using the gifts he has given me.  This blog serves as almost a form of accountability to make sure I am exercising my creativity in my everyday life, not just for work and school.  I hope you enjoy the results.

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