Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 1 - Finally!

Almost three weeks after the project was announced, I am finally posting the first of the hand lettering series.  This is one of my favorite verses to keep with me throughout the day.  It reminds me that I can be joyful and thankful even when I'm not happy because joy is so much bigger and better than happiness.

I think the thing I am learning right now through doing this project is that I need to let go of my control.  I am a huge perfectionist and generally don't like showing my work until I feel it is "finished" (whatever that means).  Doing things by hand is forcing me to let go of some of that control.

You also may have noticed that I am beginning to do a redesign of the blog.  I'm want to inject it with some of my personality, but still keep it simple.  Let me know what you think!

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