Thursday, June 7, 2012

Doodles on doodles on doodles on Toms

I've been doodling like crazy, so I decided to doodle on a pair of shoes!  I seem to only get these projects done when there is another, less fun project I have hanging over my head.  Right now that "other, less fun" project is packing and getting ready to move to Des Moines, Iowa, where I will be in nine days.  Nine days.  Oh gosh.

I will be working at Gannett's Des Moines Design Studio, creating graphics and layouts for several papers in Wisconsin.  I'm pretty stinkin' excited to see what I will learn and contribute there.  Take a look at some of the excellent work coming from the Design Studio:

Here's a sneak peak at how the shoes are turning out:

Acrylic paint on Toms, free-hand doodles on Toms, black and white
Doodles on doodles on doodles on Toms

Stay tuned for the final result!

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