Thursday, June 21, 2012

The end of an Era: Goodbye Ohio

Ohio University graduatation

Exactly half my life ago, I visited Ohio University for the first time and stood in front of the building that housed my future major. I was eleven years old, and we were moving my sister, Katie, in for her freshman year at OU.  I immediately fell in love with everything about the school.  And when I say everything, I mean just the campus because I didn't know a thing about the school itself.  Athens. Is. Gorgeous.  Lucky for impulsive-decision-maker me, the school itself turned out to be pretty awesome too.

OU essentially had me at hello.  When the time came for me to decide where I was going after high school graduation, there wasn't even a choice for me.  I didn't go on a single college visit- I knew where I belonged.  So 11 years after my first visit, and many fond memories later, I have graduated from Ohio University.

I honestly can't think of anything that would have made my time at OU any better.  Heaps and heaps of blessings were laid on me these past four years.  From my friends at Nelsonville-York High School to my awesome roommates from C3 and C1, I got to hang out with the best people in the world.  I'm not going to lie; I cried the whole drive home from Athens.  I will never find another community like the one I had in Athens County Younglife because there is no community like it in the world.  It is amazing to look back and see how much I have grown in my relationship with Christ over the past four years with the help of these people. It is incredibly hard to say goodbye to them all, but I am excited to see where God will take me next.  And thank God I live in a time where we have Skype, Facebook, Twitter, email, cellphones, and airplanes because it makes the distance seem considerably smaller.

And besides, it's only goodbye for now...

To all my Ohio friends who have loved me through these past four (or more!) years: THANK YOU!
I'll be seeing you :)

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