Thursday, June 28, 2012

On Today's Episode of Crafting Disasters...

Since moving, I have been putting my room together one piece at a time so as not to run up any huge credit card bills or spend money I don't actually have.  I am generally a pretty crafty person; I like to make all kinds of things from jewelry to blankets.  I needed a bookshelf to put beside my bed, but since my bedding is black and white, I didn't want a neutral color bookshelf.  So I bought a cheap shelf from Walmart and picked out a light blue spray paint, excited to get to crafting.  But it didn't exactly go as planned...

Step 1: Put together bookshelf

Overall, I did pretty well on this step thank you very much.  That is until I got to the very last nail, which I drove in at a 45 degree angle, through the side of the bookshelf.  Other than that, it was quite delightful.

Step 2:  Carry bookshelf outside to driveway for spray painting

Now you would think this would be the easiest step of the project.  Little did you know, it is very difficult to carry things that are much wider than you when you have tiny T-Rex arms.  While carrying the bookshelf outside, I let it slip from my hands while trying to open the door.  The corner of the bookshelf ripped a nice slit in the screen in the screen door. Yep.  Sorry Bridget and Amy! I promise I'll fix it!

Step 3:  Spray paint the bookshelf
This should be easy right?  It turns out spray paint is very difficult to control, especially when the nozzle malfunctions.  It. Went. Everywhere.  Everywhere except where I wanted it to. It left a very uneven coat of paint on two sides of the bookshelf.  There were drips running down it, and it dried before I had a chance to wipe them off because it was 95 degrees outside.  Additionally, I got spray paint all over my arms, legs, and fingers.  I quit after covering about a tenth of the shelf in paint.  Then I had to figure out how to get spray paint off of skin.  Fun fact: Canola or vegetable oil spray removes spray paint from skin because spray paint is oil based.  Yep, I sprayed canola oil all over myself.  It smelled great (sarcasm).  Then I put dish-washing soap (which smelled infinitely better than the canola oil) all over myself.  Well it worked.  My skin is mostly spray paint free!

Furniture painting fail

Step 4: Try to rectify situation with acrylic paint
Nope.  Doesn't work.

Step 5: Put bookshelf in back of garage facing the wall because you don't want to look at it or think about it as it is a visual reminder of your failure.

Did I mention it was 95 degrees outside? I did?  Well let me tell you again.

Next week I WILL fix it, and it will be beautiful.  Look out for the finished product.  I told you about it, so now I can't leave the dang thing sitting in the garage until I move again and throw it out.

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